a beastly welcome »

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Businesses are beasts. When the beast is happy, there’s lots of back-slapping and everyone gets to go on cruises. But when the beast gets hungry, things change. Suddenly heads start disappearing and bodies start flying. …

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Articles in beastworthy

Pale Blue Dot

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If you haven’t experienced the Pale Blue Dot, and feel the need to put all your problems and challenges into perspective, click play…
The idea of the Pale Blue Dot was inspired by a picture of …

Intrigue Marketing #3

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This is a well-produced commercial for a Spanish bank that has been making the rounds. Note how low-key the branding is, how many adults are videoing, and how many children are just dancing. I think …

Intrigue Marketing: Poo-Pourri

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This ad for Poo-Pourri is insanely clever. One of the few I’ve watched to completion while waiting for the main event on YouTube.
The intrigue is delivered through outlandish subject matter and humor that somehow elevates …

Beast Bites #3: Strategic Money

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Strategic money anyone?

Is this you? (video)

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A short story of a beleaguered entrepreneur and a hungry beast… and a shortcut to startup sales growth (of the big, hairy, outrageous variety).

(find out more here… Feed The Startup Beast: A 7-Step Guide to Big, Hairy, …

Navigate the Startup Process

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Be a growth hacker…
Navigate the startup process courtesy of McGraw Hill and our new book “Feed The Startup Beast“. Comments and feedback most welcome!


Email Marketing: Dead or Alive?

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Email marketing according to Marketo… Email Marketing: Dead or Alive? (Spoiler: I’m going to go with “alive” on this one.)


Breaking through with Intrigue

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Intrigue Marketing

I’ve talked about the idea of Intrigue Marketing before… using intrigue to engage your prospects. I believe that intrigue is one of the most powerful and under-used marketing tactics around. It’s powerful because it sparks …

Net Promoter Score, Meet Beast Potential Score

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Net Promoter Score, meet Beast Potential Score

If you know anything about the Net Promoter Score, you know that tens of thousands of companies use it to gauge customer satisfaction and to track their company’s growth potential based on that satisfaction.
For our …

Seth Godin: Remarkable Ideas Travel

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Seth Godin is worth listening to. He’s a marketing guy with outstanding ideas that thousands follow every day through his blog (sethgodin.typepad.com). I came across this TED presentation he gave back in 2007, and thought …

Bill Gross: On Denting the Universe

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Bill Gross is an entrepreneur. Not just any entrepreneur. He has been responsible for the startup of hundreds of companies… from Lotus, to “Knowledge Adventure“, to the Idealab incubator which spawned Google Picassa, PetSmart, amongst …

Brad Feld: Kind of Naked

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Brad Feld is worth following (FeldThoughts.com). Brad is considered one of the top VCs in the world today (Feedburner, Zynga, amongst many others), he is a very successful serial entrepreneur, and is an entrepreneur’s friend. …

The best time to plant a tree is 10 years ago

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Marketing Procrastination

The wonderful thing about Captains of Start-Ups is that they can do everything!
We have a client who is a lawyer. Her specialty is tech start-ups. This week she commented: “so many of these start-up guys …

Dancing with ourselves

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Marketing strategy

The 3 P’s of Entrepreneurship
I read and quite enjoyed Seth Godin’s “Dancing on the edge of finished”  blog entry this week. He makes the point that today, as entrepreneurs, we are never quite finished our …

Your Sales Curve: Hockey Sticks or Saw Blades?

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marketing strategy

Everyone loves the hockey stick. The hockey stick is the sales curve that every new business envisions for themselves; every new marketing and sales manager fantasizes about creating; and every president wants to show to his …

Do your customers love you? (Perception is not reality)

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marketing strategy

Do you know what your customers are really saying about you? Most companies, it seems, don’t. When Bain & Company surveyed 362 companies a few years ago, 80 percent of the surveyed companies declared they were …