a beastly welcome »

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Businesses are beasts. When the beast is happy, there’s lots of back-slapping and everyone gets to go on cruises. But when the beast gets hungry, things change. Suddenly heads start disappearing and bodies start flying. …

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Articles tagged with: net promoter score

Nothing kills a bad company faster than good marketing

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I like you, but...

Really… what are your customers saying about you?

A few years ago my agency worked with a large interior design company whose customers were homeowners that numbered in the thousands. The design company’s business had grown …

Do your customers love you? (Perception is not reality)

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marketing strategy

Do you know what your customers are really saying about you? Most companies, it seems, don’t. When Bain & Company surveyed 362 companies a few years ago, 80 percent of the surveyed companies declared they were …