Articles in aligning
The End of Sales? (or Revenge of the Marketing Nerds)

Have you heard this one?
Sales asks for support material.
Marketing supplies support material.
Sales doesn’t use support material.
I have. Many times. The reason for this could be that Marketing just keeps missing the mark, or it could be that …
Be like Apple (used to be) in 4 words

Here’s the secret to creating an exceptional company:
stand for something meaningful
Standing for something meaningful is what has set Apple, for one, apart from the rest of the pack. If you want passionate followers, their passion …
80% of CEOs Don’t Trust Marketing

No more Mr. Nice Marketing Guy
Somewhere along the way, marketers lost the trust of their CEOs. A 2012 study by the Fournaise Marketing Group shows pretty conclusively that the vast majority of CEOs in large and …
Marketing Follow-Through – Aligning Sales & Marketing

Like golf, marketing follow-through is the only way to ensure that you end up where you want to.
As companies grow, a gulf between the marketing team and the sales team often develops. Both groups understand …
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