a beastly welcome »

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Businesses are beasts. When the beast is happy, there’s lots of back-slapping and everyone gets to go on cruises. But when the beast gets hungry, things change. Suddenly heads start disappearing and bodies start flying. …

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Articles tagged with: finding customers

Want to find your most profitable prospects? Ask your best customers.

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One-Minute Marketing Plan

Want to find your most profitable prospects? Just ask your best customers some simple questions. Start with these four:

1. How likely are you to recommend (my product or service) to a colleague or business associate, …

5 Ideas to Improve Your Prospect Targeting

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Marketing Targeting

If you’re not targeting the right prospect, everything else you do is pretty much academic.
Idea #1 – Find more customers like your best customers
Do you know who your best customers are? They’re the ones who …