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Businesses are beasts. When the beast is happy, there’s lots of back-slapping and everyone gets to go on cruises. But when the beast gets hungry, things change. Suddenly heads start disappearing and bodies start flying. …

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Articles in The Startup Rule Book

Rule #3: Compartmentalize

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Startup Rulebook

The Startup Rulebook
One of the features of running a startup is the feeling that hyenas have grabbed your extremities and are all pulling in different directions. They all want a piece of you, and if …

Rule #2: Believe in yourself

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Believe in yourself

The Startup Rule Book
So you decided to start a business. Why? Probably because you had a good idea and you believed that you could get others to feel the same way. Next stop: unbridled entrepreneurial …

Rule #1: Never stop trying

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The Startup Rule Book

The Startup Rule Book
They say that true entrepreneurs aren’t motivated by money. Here’s why that’s not true, and then it is.
The #2 reason entrepreneurs get into business is the hope of achieving some degree of …