a beastly welcome »

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Businesses are beasts. When the beast is happy, there’s lots of back-slapping and everyone gets to go on cruises. But when the beast gets hungry, things change. Suddenly heads start disappearing and bodies start flying. …

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Articles tagged with: marketing

Peak Content?

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Peak Content

When does content marketing hit its breaking point?
So here’s a story…
My wife runs a design company. She has a fax. Years ago, she would walk into the office every morning and there would be a …

Intrigue Marketing. Huh?

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Intrigue Marketing

If your marketing campaign doesn’t break through, you got nothin’.
The two most successful ways to achieve marketing breakthrough are: spend a gazillion dollars, and/or be really clever. The nice thing about clever is that it …

Marketing’s Secret Sauce

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marketing strategy

The simple truth is, if you know what works, you can do more of it. How do you find out? It’s all in the data.
“You can’t manage what you don’t measure.”
You may have heard that …

Growth is Good. Feed Your Beast.

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marketing strategy

Businesses are beasts. When the beast is happy, there’s lots of back-slapping and everyone gets to go on cruises. But when the beast gets hungry, things change. Suddenly heads start disappearing and bodies start flying. …