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Marketing isn’t fast

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“The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago,” says an old proverb. If you have aspirations of swinging in a hammock between two stately trees this afternoon, you’d better not be planting those trees this morning.

The best time to plant a tree is 10 years ago

The same is true of marketing your business. If you’re hauling out your marketing instruction books now because your sales have recently stalled, you’re in for a bit of a rough ride. Why? Because effective marketing takes a long time to start producing the kinds of sales-ready leads that will fill your Beast’s belly.*

How long? I hate to be the bearer of less-than-popular news, but you usually need 6-8 months after you start an effective, consistent marketing program before you’ve got a sales funnel that anyone would think to call robust. 

So the best time to start marketing is now, and hopefully now isn’t your hour of need. But even if it is, now is always better than later or never.


* If you’re new to my blog, the Beast is your company.

About Drew Williams

My name is Drew Williams. I’m an author and marketing entrepreneur. “A what?”, you say. I call someone who’s passionate about building businesses a marketing entrepreneur. So that’s me. Full Profile | Google+